Doveninternaat Haren moet blijven!


/ #455

2016-01-06 22:17

THE SALAMANCA STATEMENT AND FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION ON SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION (1994) doet de volgende aanbeveling op pagina 18: 2 1 . Educational policies should take full account of individual differences and situations. The importance of sign language as the medium of communication among the deaf, for example, should be recog nized and provision made to ensure that all deaf persons have access to education in their national sign language. Owing to the particular communication needs of deaf and deaf/blind persons , their education may be more suitably provided in special schools or special classes and units in mainstream schools.
Nederland heeft een zeer kleine groep dove leerlingen die in hun onderwijs en hun sociale leven gebruik willen maken van NGT. De unieke plek van het internaat in Groningen verdient het om beschermd en gekoesterd te worden!