Eis het ontslag van Jozias van Aartsen


/ #5284 Mr. Van Aartsen, how you feel about endangering your Jewish citizens?

2014-07-30 22:10

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre is an international Jewish human
rights organization with a worldwide membership of 400,000.
Established in 1977, with headquarters in Los Angeles, it draws the
lessons of the Holocaust to the analysis of contemporary issues of
prejudice and discrimination.

The Centre is an NGO in consultative status to the United Nations,
UNESCO, the OSCE, the Organization of American States and the
Council of Europe.

Our membership is shocked at your authorization, on two occasions,
of demonstrations in The Hague, - ironically branded as the “City of
Peace and Justice” – calling for “the Death of Jews”.

The World Mayor Association in Hanover established a code for their
candidates, led by the duty to protect all their citizens. I, therefore
wonder, Mr. Van Aartsen, how you feel about endangering your
Jewish citizens?
