Jobs for the telecom freelancers

Hi iam smith form am a Telecommunications engineer. Telecom Engineering is probably one of those fields that has witnessed rapid advancement in recent years.It comes as no surprise that it is among the most pursued careers today.Whether you are a fulltime employee, looking to earn a few extra bucks by the side, or you are a self-employed engineer, simply trying to get your business up and running, there is much scope in freelance telecom engineer. Field Engineer is an online marketplace that connects companies with telecommunications work with the global field engineers who have the skills and availability to complete them.We at are a platform based market place connecting you to 37000+ready to go engineers and technicians.In this digital utilization world we provide direct access to career building jobs and most lucrative opportunities.Field Engineer is a platform which connect business to talent and reduces the risk of companies and individuals to participate in recruitment activities.

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