Vuilnisbakken horen zomers eens per week geleegd te worden!


/ #35

2016-09-10 08:24

Same problem here also, ever since this new sorting and recycling rules I have never seen as many green flies in my life as now. These flies as proven are feeding on rotten meat and dead animals and can potentially move diseases around by sitting in feacies and rotten and contaminated meat then moving on to let walking around on our own food sitting around in the house. The smell of trash bins and the amount of flies green ones and their crawling nasty beasts in and around the bins is just killing the landscape and plus harms the hygiene of many. This sorting and recycling thing is the worst ever decision made by the townhall to cut down on cost leaving thousands of people in anger and scratching their heads as to what they were thinking when introducing the new regulations about sorting the trash. Impact on the health and on the surrounding obviously has for sure not been considered properly in this case.