ABP STOP Israël Boycot!

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2014-02-09 16:51



2014-02-09 17:20

It is important to stand up against the BDS movement which is steeped in anti-Semitic bigotry.



2014-02-09 20:50

I don't know why I am shocked, but I always thought the Dutch would not cave into the incredibly biased and disingenuous BDS rhetoric.
The Dutch refused to go along with the 1973 Arab boycott of oil. I vacationed in Holland that year.
Now, I have to re-think all my travel plans because I used to go to Amsterdam once a year.



2014-02-09 22:56

The West bank is not occupied territory, it is disputed and its borders will be determined. Therefore BDS is based on false premises. Thankfully there are finally some decent Dutch Citizens who are speaking out. Kudos to them.
Ariane Eckardt



2014-02-09 23:07

Please be assured this petition is supported by our local group. Please visit jacp.ca!



2014-02-09 23:14

Good luck!


#283 "I will give them in my house and in My walls a place and a name" (Isaiah 56:5)

2014-02-10 02:05

Israel should stop giving so much concession on demand to the Palestinian. Why can't the two side go to the negotiation table without pre-conditions. Why to acquiesce to double talk and direct as well as indirect pressure from anyone like the BDS and their allies, who should be investing their money and energy in creating jobs and education programs to help the very people they are pretending to defend...the Palestinian. Israel should continue defending its right to exist and should not bend under any circumstance to allow Jerusalem to be divided either. To see that the jews cannot pray at their own holy Mount Moriah/Golden Dome, and how the Rachel tomb was taken from the Jewish nation and put in the hands of the enemy, who then forbade the Jews to get not even near it, leads one think that if the Palestinian get what they want at the negotiation table, Israel will cease to exist. Israel along with its capital Jerusalem rightfully belongs to the children of Israel. Therefore, instead of promoting boycott and hate toward Israel around the world, the BDS should help the Palestinian accept the land of Israel for what it is, and to be more productive and less hateful. We should all take the same stand taken by Canada Prime Minister Harper, Israel's own Mr. Naftali Bennet and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon who aggressively stood to defend the Holy Land.



2014-02-10 09:52

Geachte dames en heren.
In de schriften staat wie Israël zegent zal gezegend zijn. Wij staan achter Israël en zijn blij met deze petitie. In Israël groeien vruchten, zij ontwikkelen de woestijn in vruchtbaar land. Zo was het ook in de Gazastrook, nu groeit daar het kerkhof. Ik roep de regering en de EU. toe wordt wakker! Dank U voor Uw aandacht.Martin G Meijer.

Dit bericht is verwijderd door de auteur van deze petitie (Toon details)

2014-02-10 11:17



2014-02-10 18:16

Eindelijk een tegengeluid, ik word zo bedroefd en
boos om de eenzijdige berichten.

Dit bericht is verwijderd door de auteur van deze petitie (Toon details)

2014-02-10 18:16



2014-02-10 20:09

wie Israel zegend zal gezegend worden.



2014-02-10 20:12

Stop Boycot Israel!
Those who love Israel will prosper.
Peace to Jerusalem!



2014-02-11 00:01

A boycott is childish. To those who harbor ill will towards Israel, I have two words for you: GROW UP.



2014-02-13 08:54

Ik vind dit een goede actie, omdat onze christelijke roots bij Israel ligt.



2014-02-13 20:30

Beste ABP , Ik zal zegenen wie u zegenen , en wie u vervloekt zal Ik vervloeken . Deze feiten zijn gemakkelijk te zien in de "echte wereld" , in ieder geval voor hen die de moeite nemen om daar naar te kijken !!!!!!

#294 Re: Liefde of haat?

2014-02-16 10:30

#264: Robin - Liefde of haat?

Ben ik helemaal 100% mee eens, voor Arabieren is een zogenaamde Israelische "hel"duizenden malen beter dan een Arabische hemel.


#295 Re:

2014-02-20 20:13

#1: -

Stoppen met boycotten!