Tegen schending mensenrechten Julio Poch


/ #68

2012-09-25 09:12

The sole kick-off for J.P's extradition to Spain by the NL authorities were "(we assumed) he might have been involved" statements made to the NL prosecution office by some Transavia pilots. These Transavia crewmembers had picked up their "assumptions" over a dinner on the Indonesian Island of Bali years earlier. The same "colleagues" later, i.e. after the extradition, admitted that they NEVER had actually heard J.P say that he had, at any point, been a party to the cruel practices they initially "thought" he might have been linked to.
B.t.w. how could he have been: he - verifiable -flew single seat jets in his Navy time. Too late; the NL prosecution had taken the colleague's slander for granted and had sent J.P. to Spain to be arrested (without ever interrogating him). Shame on you, my home country, NL.