Eritrea፡We believe the Pfdj regime is a threat to Eritrea and to the horn Africa region


/ #27 Re:

2016-06-29 16:15

#23: -  

 Hi, Eritrea once a promising country is becoming a country of unbearable to live. The young have to do indefinite military service. Remember I'm using military service but in fact it's slavery. The only university the country had was closed by the regime and the teachers and lectures fled or arrested.

There is no freedom of speech or independent media such as news papers or radio. The regime closed all independent media and arrested all the journalists in 2001. No-one is allowed to gather together and discuss any issues, if you do, you will be arrested.

Those people who requested for reform are rounded up and arrested, some of them are either dead or dying.

The veterans whose request was a better living conditions was shot and killed in 1994/5. These are the people who fought for independence for 30 years. The regime had no mercy to these disabled veterans.

If you have no freedom, right, education or own your own body, you are almost none existent.  people need to flee the country to save themselves. Moreover, they flee risking their life either by the regime, traffickers, icc in Libya etc. It seems surreal to see the exodus of Eritrean.

Ted Ross


PS, I couldn't have wrote a book about this, not one but thousands