Start Giro 555 en Help Bosnië en Servië! (Natuurramp)


/ #254 Re: Giro555

2014-05-18 16:58

#244: Arnhem - Giro555


Dear Miss /Mrs Erica

Thank you for your response.  I've talked with Hart van Nederland en tonight they will talk on TV on time 10.30 of problems of flood in Serbia and Bosnia.

And i talk with others to. I hope that will be much better if people in Netherlands know what is going on in Serbia and Bosnia on moment.

I know that in the year 1953 Netherlands had same problem with flood and i know that ex-Yugoslavia helped a lot to Netherlands. It is just that i dont understand that  Netherlands dont wont to do nothing for  people and children in Serbia and Bosnie and Serbia and Bosnia are states of formal Yugoslavia.

Before i was talking to all people that Netherlands is the country that first go to help other countries when they  are in difficulties but now i can not believe that Netherlands will do NOTHING

If for Netherlands is not enough that 24.352 people lose homes 2.260 homes are under water  and how much  are dead people we still does not know i dont know who Netherland help?  End that is just in Serbia.

We need all help now, we have lot babys, childrens, old people that need urgently help.

We are  happy that we get help from other countries and we will NEVER forget.


We're so sorry that Netherlands think that we dont need urgently help in nothing.


Kind Regards

N. Voeten