Lee Moet Blijven!

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Dit discussie-onderwerp is automatisch gecreëerd voor petitie Lee Moet Blijven!.

De denkende rechter


2013-10-14 17:24

Hij is alleen verdacht, niet veroordeeld, dus is hij nog steeds onschuldig. Als ze hem zo nodig willen horen laat de Amerikaanse politie Lee hier in Nederland verhoren.



2013-10-15 03:48

I hope he will overcome all. and good luck. I wish he would not be okay.



2013-10-15 11:18

Please postpone the deportation for Giang so that he can finish his last year university. He's guiltless.


2013-10-15 16:15

The States think their laws are above everyone else, so I hope the Netherlands sticks to their guns and does not extradite him when they have evidence that supports his innocence. If the USA really wants to question him they can come here. Not the other way around.



2013-10-15 20:20

Let him finish his study!



2013-10-15 21:26

As far as I know Lee he is a trustworthy guy and has already struggled for more than a year to get through this nightmare while he has committed his energy to his study. Keep up the good spirit Lee!



2013-10-16 01:22

tu do muon nam



2013-10-16 01:25

Wendy Huynh



2013-10-16 19:24

What's wrong with pursuing study after the court. Is he fearing if he being charged guilty, he will get an expel ?
C'mon, in NL one person can continue studying after he was sent to jail. Given that he was even sent to jail twice, right?
My thought about this: US Court have their valid argument about extradition, so if Lee's really innocent, Then he has nothing to worry about.



2013-10-16 19:42

800,000! That's hell a lot of money. Been with roommate for 3 years and dont know a darn thing about his tail?
After being arrested, you go to internet, blame his roommate for betraying? For what? Not stupid enough to stay and go to jail with him.
Oh now that's worth signing for. Because that's funny, really


#36 Re:

2013-10-16 19:54

#10: -

Postpone the extradition for him to finish studying? Then he can fly back to Vietnam and hide his ass like his roommate does?




2013-10-17 17:48

Help the good guy. Justice must be accurate



2013-10-17 23:24

Please bring justice and equity back for Hoang Giang!!!



2013-10-18 01:24

Nguyễn Anh Thi



2013-10-21 11:24

Lee deserves what he has been striving for.


2013-11-23 12:38

Bij het toepassen van regels mag nooit de menselijkheid uit het oog worden verloren. Van Befehl ist Befehl heeft de wereld al genoeg narigheid ondervonden. Zorg voor je medemens is een zoete plicht, ook voor onze overheid!



2013-11-24 10:55

Iemand is onschuldig tot het tegendeel bewezen is en hij mag daarom geen schade lijden die pas met grote gevolgen te herstellen is. De urgentie van behandeling weegt daar niet tegen op.



2014-02-04 16:08

Mooi iniatief !



2014-02-04 18:54

This is crazy and I really feel for Lee... The Netherlands should put more fight into a situation like this.



2014-02-04 18:55

belachelijke wereld soms, ongelofelijk



2014-02-04 18:56

waanzin.. je hebt een dader die is gevlucht iemand die slachtoffer is mag nooit zo behandeld worden



2014-02-04 18:56

Als er al een schuldige is, waarom dan doorjagen?



2014-02-04 18:58

Dit is te belangrijk voor woorden! !!! Lee moet blijven! !!



2014-02-04 19:01

Wat gebeurd aan Lee is absurd!



2014-02-04 19:06

Laat hem in ieder geval zijn studie in Nederland aan het Saxion in Deventer afmaken.