Stop Festival Eritrese Dictatuur in Event Plaza Rijswijk



2013-07-02 10:03

Deze petitie is zeer belangrijk, een kwestie van leven en dood voor de ontelbare gewetensgevangenen in Eritrea en hun familieleden. Het leed in Eritrea is hemeltergend en het regime en de aanhangers zijn zo brutaal om hier in Nederland een festival te organiseren om de onderdrukkende machine in Eritrea in stand te houden. Genoeg is genoeg. Onderteken aub deze petitie en vraag vrienden om hetzelfde te doen.



2013-07-02 15:21




2013-07-02 15:51

Enough is enough. Enough of the waste. Enough of the spending. Enough of the debt. Enough of the arrogance in Festival Eritrese Dictatuur
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do to stop Festival Eritrese Dictatuur



2013-07-02 18:57

we dont want ypfdj



2013-07-02 19:23

stop the pfdgy meeting in holland they are the support of dictator



2013-07-02 19:41

The Eritrean government is a dictator who oppresses his own people. Eritrean people are dying every where so it is not fair to celebrate or support for dictator especially by people who take democracy for granted. I believe the Dutch government is the most democratic and respects human right and I hope it considers the Eritrean issue seriously.
Delay Fithi

#7 Stop serving the African dictator

2013-07-02 19:47

The PFDJ regime has UN sanctions on their back. They are conducting illegal gatherings in the Netherlands. Please stop them.



2013-07-02 19:55

Pls don't be alawed to the dictator trops of eritrean in diyaspora those they want festval in Holan(Netherland).Be neglected the dictator and their followers.
Tankyou to anderstand me .


2013-07-02 20:13

I cannot fathom but wonder in bewilderment that there are few ignorant people who still support one the last standing cruelest dictatorships in the world. I will be a crowning paradox if the Netherlands allowed these people to continue to support tyranny in Eritrea while enjoying all the freedoms afforded to them by the Dutch democracy. If these subhuman critters aspire for our to continue live at the mercy of bullies, please send them packing to Eritrea so they could savor the real taste of humiliation and servitude at the hands of an unhinged tyrant.


2013-07-02 20:15

I cannot fathom but wonder in bewilderment that there are few ignorant people who still support one of the last standing cruelest dictatorships in the world. It will be a crowning paradox if the Netherlands allowed these people to continue to support tyranny in Eritrea while enjoying all the freedoms afforded to them by the Dutch democracy. If these subhuman critters aspire for our to continue live at the mercy of bullies, please send them packing to Eritrea so they could savor the real taste of humiliation and servitude at the hands of an unhinged tyrant.



2013-07-02 20:34

helpers off dictatorship,and terrors



2013-07-02 20:36

a killer off government

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2013-07-02 21:09



2013-07-02 21:33

Stop Eritrese Dictatuur event in Netherland.


2013-07-02 21:33

Stop Dictatuur event in Nederland.



2013-07-02 21:36

Daniel Kidane

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2013-07-02 21:47

Dit bericht is verwijderd door de auteur van deze petitie (Toon details)

2013-07-02 21:47

Dit bericht is verwijderd door de auteur van deze petitie (Toon details)

2013-07-02 22:33



2013-07-02 23:39

no place for dictator


2013-07-03 03:04

How sick and heartless should someone be to support a bloodthirsty ruthless dectator? This is like holding a festival in support of Sadam Hussien of Iraq or Pol Pot of Cambodia or Idi Amin of Uganda.


#22 Sara

2013-07-03 04:41

I know sure this is organized by "The Reesi Akat/ Reesi Martelo" Habtom Yohannes @fb.


#23 Re: Sara

2013-07-03 06:18

#22: - Sara

Sara / Gast Riesi Hamham (leeg), heb je de hardheid van Reesi Akat, Reesi martelo gevoeld? So zijn mensen voor gerechtigheid terwijl jullie dansen op de grond terwijl daaronder duizenden mensen zijn gestopt om gemarteld en gedood te worden. Er is geen veilige plaats meer voor pfdj. De klok tikt en blijf je verbazen leeg hoofd. Het is niet alleen maar Habtom Yohannes, maar ontelbare deleyti fithi.



2013-07-03 07:01

I am strongly condomen the PFDJ Festival in your Hotel .

Dit bericht is verwijderd door de auteur van deze petitie (Toon details)

2013-07-03 07:55