Met zijn allen tegen de afschaffing van de Politie te Paard!!!


/ #173

2015-07-13 13:17

I cannot speak your language, but I know that your ministers is considering cloosing your Mounted Police. 

To bring the economic as an issue, and reason to close the mounted unit, is a wrong argument. And a sorry excuse.

Horses are not expensive if you look isolated at only the horse. It "runs" on grass and hey. Not very expensive to by either (it is not a horse for competition or breeding ... - it only needs to be healthy in it's head and nerves ... !).

(By the way, how mutch does a car, motorbike or anything else (the "Tools") costs, that is used in the Police? (because you have to remember the officer has the same "costsprice" - with or without his "tool")). And in how many ways can tho "tool" be used and usefull in different "set ups"!?))).

Mounted Police, has the greatest "toll" (the Horse), with the largest and widest, most usefull functionel and available pallet, ever given to the Police. 

The horse i cabable of making a possitve contact, bring the Police close, and VERY vissible and near the citizens - combined together with the officer that has a great view to see what is going on ..... The horse is very usefull too, when it is used to control groups. 

And a horse does not invite into voilence. Like a dead thing does .. it's alive - it breathes and create camness in people .... (also fear, if it is needed!) 
It combines "two polar opposites" - in its use.

Horses in the police are as natural - and they are "a matter of course" - just like policedogs. Dogs have an uniqe skill - the snout! 

Horses are very skillfull too by mutch more - and bring mutch more (positive) to the Police. 

Oxford University made a research about mounted police. Your Polititians/ Ministers, need to read that repport! 
It proves what mounted police is all about - and worth all the litle money they actually costs ....

There are many places and countrys that has reopened their mounted unit, because they made the BIG mistake by cloosing them down ...  Don't let your Ministers make that mistake too, in your country .... 

They - your Ministers - need to rethink, READ the Oxford repport - and understand "horsework", in all it's greatness ;-) 

Horses have a sertant "impac" on humans - regardless the use of it's skills.


I do hope my point of view is understandable and make sence - it's difficult to explane in writting, and even more when the language is so different and far from Danish ;-)


Greetings from Denmark